السابعة الإسرائيلية: السيسي قال للقادة اليهود الأمريكيين الذين التقاهم
أن "نتنياهو قائد ذو قدرات قيادية عظيمة، وهذه القدرات لا تؤهله فقط لقيادة
دولته وشعبه، بل إنها كفيلة بأن تضمن تطور المنطقة وتقدم العالم بأسره".
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi reportedly told members of the Conference of Presidents visiting Cairo that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is "a leader who possesses great powers, which assist him not only to lead his country, but can also advance the region and the entire world."
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi reportedly told members of the Conference of Presidents visiting Cairo that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is "a leader who possesses great powers, which assist him not only to lead his country, but can also advance the region and the entire world."
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